The guest appearance at Scream Inn of Sweeny
Toddler, the ‘orriblest kid in the World, in WHOOPEE! and SHIVER AND SHAKE cover-dated 6th December, 1975
(No. 89) was long overdue.
HERE is my article about the SHIVER AND SHAKE run of this strip, and HERE is another one about Sweeny’s return to the pages of WHOOPEE!
In this episode of Scream Inn Brian Walker
even inserted some “side-jokes” in the margins - something Leo Baxendale used
to do a lot when drawing Sweeny Toddler in SHIVER AND SHAKE
and later in WHOOPEE! Also, see if you can
spot Snooper
(a BUSTER character) hiding somewhere on these pages...
As always, here’s the character’s own strip
from the same issue of the magazine. I believe Leo Baxendale had already stopped drawing the strip by then but I am unsure who the artist is -Mike Brown, or Tom Paterson, perhaps?