Monday, December 9, 2013


Next up are two strips with self-portraits of Sid Burgon – one from WHIZZER AND CHIPS cover-dated 24th October, 1981, and one from THE DANDY No. 2550 cover-dated 6th October, 1990. The first example is very unusual for UK children’s humour comics because it credits the artist and the writer, American-style.

This set of Double Trouble from BUSTER dated 3rd November, 1990 includes a self-portrait of the most effective family duo in British comics – Terry and Sheila Bave:

As a matter of fact, this episode of Double Trouble is the first in a long sequence that lasted until approximately the middle of 1991 in which Terry Bave discretely included his self-portraits, sometimes together with his wife Sheila. Thanks to George Shiers for the tip! Here are some examples:

P.S. Here is a more recent image of the Baves. It is from Winker Watson strip in The Dandy of 2001. Thanks, THB, for the tip and the link!


  1. Terry and Sheila appeared in a lot of Double Trouble strips around this time. In fact, I believe that Terry was asked to draw himself in every week.

    1. Thanks for the tip, George. I have now added new images to the post.

  2. That Sid Burgon one's VERY strange, especially seeing the SCRIPT WRITE getting credited!

    Here's a Winker Watson from 2001 with Sheila and Terry appearing:

    Use it if you want :)
