Thursday, November 10, 2016


Here comes the twelfth and final part of SPARKY Moonsters covers gallery that I started back in May earlier this year. The final appearance of The Moonsters on the front cover of SPARKY was in issue No. 139 (Sept 16th, 1967).

Starting from issue 140, The Moonsters were given the back cover again, ousted from the front page by what is now perceived as the politically incorrect version of Sparky the character. Check out front and back covers of SPARKY issue No. 140:

The Moonsters continued to feature on the back page of the comic until issue 199:

1 comment:

  1. I think Sparky was perceived as "politically incorrect" even then. Well, let's not skirt around the issue. It was a racist caricature. A rising civil rights movement in America (which we were all aware of through the media) and a British comic showing a black character like that, on the cover no less. What were they thinking?
