Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Although this blog is supposed to be mostly about British comics, I’ll share something completely different this time. The other day I watched episode 4 of the first season of American TV series Magic City, and it ends with this absolutely brilliant version of Elvis’ “Don’t Be Cruel”. Courtesy of Google, it didn’t take me long to find out that the singer was an American chap Billy Swan who released the cover version in 1975. The preacher’s dance had me laughing out loud, but if you take the trouble to watch the video to the end, you’ll be gobsmacked by the political incorrectness of the final scenes! Comics-related service will (probably) resume soon :) 


  1. Er, maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention, Irmy, but what were the non-PC scenes? Nice version of the song by the way.

    1. I thought the cowboy and the preacher bash and kick the woman leaned towards political incorrectness. Nowadays it would certainly be considered inappropriate to include a scene like that in a music video where I live :)

    2. Oops, I missed that bit - I should have watched full-screen. My old eyes aren't what they used to be.

  2. Its an interesting take on the song...
