Wednesday, November 21, 2018


The Flying Floogle of Frogmorton

Faceache goes on a scrunging spree in this next two-part story printed in BUSTER issues cover-dated 7th and 14th October 1978.

Mr. Snipe tells his pupils that they will have to take an initiative test:

Faceache decides to scrunge his way to Boggartsville. Police officers take a series of phone call reports from terrified villagers about fiends and unearthly atrocities as Faceache tries to reach his destination scrunged into the Fangy-Faced Freak from Frodham, then the Speedy-Swimming Frumpton Froggiefish and then the Flying Floogle of Frogmorton:

Terrified, police Sergeant telephones the nearest army bases…

The Army take action, believing Faceache is an invading alien from outer space…

Back at Belmonte school, Faceache chases Mr. Snipe for arranging the “rousing reception” at Boggartsville…

Characters are © Rebellion Publishing Ltd

Click on the POWER PACK banner in the right-hand column and get your copy of the POWER PACK OF KEN REID - the deluxe two-volume set of Ken’s strips in WHAM!, SMASH! and POW! comics of the ‘60s. 
Remember that all buyers who order their books by the end of 2018 will receive free prints of Ken’s original Frankie Stein artwork – 2 prints (one complete episode) per book, or 4 prints (2 complete episodes) per two-volume set.

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