Saturday, December 8, 2018


An additional benefit of being the publisher of the Power Pack of Ken Reid is that people are contacting me with details of Reid-related items in their collections. Some time ago I received an email from Patrick Herman who found photocopies of a few complete Fudge and Speck stories printed in the Manchester Evening News.

I have all the Fudge annuals published in the ‘40s and ‘50s by University of London Press as well as both Savoy reprint books published in 1981. The stories that Patrick has found while cleaning his attic are Fudge and the Micromen, Speck’s Inventions, Fudge and the Enchanted Island, Speck’s Fossil Hunt, plus two untitled adventures of Fudge, and none are included in the collected editions, so it’s great to see those forgotten fantasy tales from the early years of Ken’s career that appear to have been hugely popular back in the day.

Below are images of four beautiful covers of the annuals from University of London Press, followed by scans of a few pages with clippings of Fudge and the Micromen that Patrick has posted to me. 

Click on the POWER PACK banner in the right-hand column and get your copy of the POWER PACK OF KEN REID - the deluxe two-volume set of Ken’s strips in WHAM!, SMASH! and POW! comics of the ‘60s. 
Remember that all buyers who order their books by the end of 2018 will receive free prints of Ken’s original Frankie Stein artwork – 2 prints (one complete episode) per book, or 4 prints (2 complete episodes) per two-volume set.

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