The next serialised Faceache story by Ken Reid
appeared in two consecutive issues of BUSTER cover-dated 28 April and 5 May, 1979
and it went like this:
Headmaster starts a Belmonte school young photographer’s club. For the first
project he wants his students to go out on the moors and photograph some of the most
unusual forms of bird life that abound there. Faceache comes up with an idea to scrunge into a Stripe-breasted Tail-less Gruk and snap himself with the camera on automatic ...
...but forgets to
remove his photographer’s club badge and Mr. Snipe quickly spots the trick.
The teacher instructs Faceache to photograph a genuine woodland bird and sneaks after him
to make sure the boy doesn’t scrunge.
Faceache discards his badge and is about to scrunge into another unusual
creature when he runs into a real monster-bird…
As it
turns out, it is only an actor in padded make-up engaged in the making of a
film entitled “The Bird-Beast of Blackfell Moor”.
Faceache prepares to take his
picture for the project but Mr. Snipe thinks he has caught Faceache in the act
of scrunging and assaults the actor with his cane. Faceache tries to warn the
teacher that he is thrashing a big musclebound actor with an uncontrollable
temper but it’s already too late, and the actor never accepts an apology...
Faceache photographs Mr. Snipe in full flight from the actor’s blow – an
unusual bird indeed.
are © Rebellion Publishing Ltd
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- the deluxe two-volume set of Ken’s strips in WHAM!, SMASH! and POW! comics of
the ‘60s.
Very strange bird creature...